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6.17. Calenders' creator

Calender's creator is a program that marks on the basis of several text files and a developed graphic pattern – creates calendars for each month of the selected year. Data needed to generate calendars (names of months, names of days of the week and list of namedays and holidays) are stored in three text files. File names are arbitrary.

Notice: Text Notepad is not suitable for editing text files. You need an editor that encodes files in the UTF-8 standard. We suggest installing a free program Notepad ++ (to be downloaded from Each text file must be encoded in the UTF-8 standard.

Structure of a file containing names of months

In the simplest version, it's just another month's name in the next row. The text before the # sign (which does not have to be) will appear in the first field for the name of the month.


If any phrase appears in the line after the # sign, it will be placed in the second field for the name of the month. The presence of this phrase after the # sign is not required.

Januar#January • Janvier
Februar#February • Février
März#March • Mars
April#April • Avril
Mai#May • Mai
Juni#June • Juin
Juli#July • Juillet
August#August • Août
September#September • Septembre
Oktober#October • Octobre
November#November • Novembre
Dezember#December • Décembre

Structure of a file containing names of days of the week

Each row in the file containing the list of days of the week is built in the same way as a row in the month list file. The phrase to the # character is the first row in the table cell with the days of the week (the head of the table). The phrase after the # sign is the second row in this cell. The phrase after the # sign is optional.

Woche#Week • Semaine
Montag#Monday • Lundi
Dienstag#Tuesday • Mardi
Mittwoch#Wednesday • Mercredi
Donnerstag#Thursday • Jeudi
Freitag#Friday • Vendredi
Samstag#Saturday • Samedi
Sonntag#Sunday • Dimanche

Structure of a file containing a list of namedays and holidays

Each line in the file containing the list of namedays and holidays consists of:

  • from the phrase to the first sign #. This part of the row is only of auxiliary meaning and it is used to facilitate the search for subsequent days of the year. The content of this phrase is arbitrary, e.g.
        01 01 2019#
        02 Januar 2019#
  • from the phrase after the first sign #. This part of the row is a list of names on a given day.

        01 01 2019#Name001A, Name001B
        02 01 2019#Name002A, Name002B
        03 01 2019#Name003A, Name003B
  • from the phrase after the second sign #. This part of the row is a holiday that falls on a given day.

        01 01 2019#Name001A, Name001B#Holiday example 01
        02 01 2019#Name002A, Name002B
        03 01 2019#Name003A, Name003B
  • from the number after the third sign #. If this number is one, the day will be highlighted in the calendar with the same color as Sunday.

        01 01 2019#Name001A, Name001B#Holiday example 01#1
        02 01 2019#Name002A, Name002B
        03 01 2019#Name003A, Name003B
  • if the number after the third sign # is two, this day will be highlighted in the calendar with the color defined as Additional holidays' color

        01 01 2019#Name001A, Name001B#Holiday example 01#2
        02 01 2019#Name002A, Name002B
        03 01 2019#Name003A, Name003B
  • If the name of the holiday (phrase after the second character #) is omitted, and at the same time the third character # and the number after it is inserted, then the day will also be highlighted with the appropriate color.

        01 01 2019#Name001A, Name001B##2
        02 01 2019#Name002A, Name002B
        03 01 2019#Name003A, Name003B

The file with name-list for leap year should contain 366 lines. For the remaining - 365 lines (without February 29). Since there are movable holidays in the calendar year, the file with the list of namedays and holidays should be prepared for the year specifically.

Elements of the calendar with defined colors

Each calendar consists of several levels and text frames.

  1. Background
  2. Table
  3. Table’s side-header (cells with names of days of the week)
  4. Table’s header (komórki z numerami tygodni)
  5. Saturday’s column
  6. Sunday’s column

A separate color can also be defined for text elements:

  1. Month’s name (position 1 and 2)
  2. Year
  3. Number of the week
  4. Names of days of the weeek (position 1 and 2)
  5. Weekdays of the month
  6. Saturdays (days’ numbers in the Saturdays column)
  7. Sundays and holidays (days’ numbers in the Sundays and Holidays column)
  8. Previous month’s days
  9. Namedays and holiday names (inscription under the day’s number)
  10. Additional holiday’s color

Additionally you can also specify the color of table frames.

Text frames

Individual cells of the calendar table are filled with text frames (one or several). The text in each frame can be freely aligned horizontally and vertically, its size (font’s size) and the additional shift up/down and left/right.

The area above the table is occupied by a frame with a year, a frame with the first entry of the name of the month and (optionally) a frame with the second entry of the name of the month.

The heads of the table occupy frames with the first entry of the names of the days of the week and (optionally) with the second entry of the names of the days of the week.

Side table cells occupy the frame with the next week number. If the week begins on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday - this is counted as the first week of the year.

The cells with the names of the month (ordinary, Saturday and Sunday) are filled with a frame with the day number, a frame with nameday (line 1) and a frame with the name of the holiday falling on that day (line 2).

A special case is a cell with a double day. The calendar of each month consists of 5 lines (weeks). It happens, however, that the last days of the month fall in the sixth week. Then the program transfers such entries to the previous week (the fifth one) by creating a cell with doubled inscriptions.

The double cell contains two numbers of the day of the month (Upper Left and Lower Right). It also contains two frames with nameday and (if they occur) two rows with possible holidays.

Since the frame with nameday names or holidays entered in succession, after the decimal point - usually too wide to fit in the cell table, the next nameday should be moved to the new row. Instead, the $ character is inserted instead of the space character in the appropriate place of the text file with the namesake list.

23 09 2019#Name266A,$Name266B
30 09 2019#Name273A,$Name273B

Adjusting the text size in text frames, fonts and their position

Each text in the frame can be aligned horizontally (left, right or centrally) and vertically (up, down or centrally). The change of this parameter applies to all elements of a given type (i.e., for example, all numbers of days of the month).

  • [1] Elements that adjust the text alignment in the frame.
  • [2] The element regulating the font in a text frame.
  • [3] Elements regulating the translation of the text frame vertically and horizontally by a certain amount in mm (regardless of vertical or horizontal alignment).

Size of the calendar

The size of the calendar is determined by specifying the net size of the sheet, the margins around the table, the width of the side and the height of the table head. The size of the cell with the day of the month is the area of the sheet after counting the margins, head and side - divided into 7 columns and 5 rows.

Working with templates

All element definitions collected in drop-down panels in the Elements group can be saved as the default for the next program start by pressing the arrow on the Start button or in the external file (with *.ikk extension) - after pressing the Save the template button.

The resulting file (template) can be loaded into the program at any time.

Fonts not available while loading the template will be replaced with the Arial font.

Sample files provided with the program

You can use the sample configuration files provided with the program to generate your own calendars. After expanding the list with the configuration file types, select Download sample files (from

The downloaded file should be unpacked anywhere.


  • INFORMATION about the text file editor.txt – – information on where to download and install the system Notepad that is not suitable for editing configuration files.
  • INFORMATION about fonts.txt – this file contains information about fonts that you should download to use sample templates. All templates have been developed using the TITILLIUM font - also free for commercial use). Downloaded fonts should be installed in the system.
  • 365 - Common year.txt – file with an example list of namedays and holidays for 2019. It can be the basis for creating your own list.
  • 366 - Leap year.txt – file with an example list of namedays and holidays for 2020. It can be the basis for creating your own list.
  • Names of days EN DE FR.txt – file with the names of days of the week in different languages (English in the first row, others: on the second).
  • Names of days EN.txt – file with names of days of the week in English.
  • Names of months EN DE FR.tyxt - file with month names in different languages.
  • Names of months EN.txt - file with month names in English.
  • Five graphic templates of calendars. All templates can be freely modified and used.


  1. Unavailable graphic functions (contours, shadows) can be added to the elements of the calendar in graphic programs after prior conversion of texts into curves.
  2. Pressing the "eyelet" switch on the right side of the scale switches shows the number of the next day of the year. This function can be used to find the correct row in the file with the list of names when editing it.
  3. Each time, after you change the font or font level, it is usually necessary to precisely define the horizontal and vertical position of the text frame.

Notice: If January does not start on Monday, then the days before January 1 (the previous month) are supplemented with data from December of the same year (and not the previous year). The same applies to December and the possible next month - the week is topped up on January of the same year, not the next year. If there were movable holidays in those days, then for the purposes of generating a calendar for January and December, there should be used a different, specially prepared file with the list of namedays and holidays.

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