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6.13. Generate EAN13 codes (v.2)

This program generates a multipage PDF-file, the contents of which are barcodes to which data is extracted from a text file (each row is a separate code).

Data with codes should be saved in a text file in which each row contains of no less than 12 digits. After selecting a text file on the disk, its verification is carried out. In the first step, all spaces are deleted and then:

rows with a number of characters less than 12 and rows with a sign other than a digit - are saved in a new text file with the same name as the specified text file, but with the word "_ERROR" added to the original file name.

The first 12 are downloaded from the remaining rows and they are saved in a new text file with the same name as the specified text file, but with the word "_OK" added to the original file name.

To generate codes, the program uses the file with the word "_OK" added. The program itself adds the last control digit to the EAN 13 code.

Notice: The codes on the PDF-pages generated by the program are Annotations. Before any further processing (scaling, assembly) you need to perform a pdf correction, which consists of flattening the Annotation. Only after this operation, the codes will be converted into ordinary vector objects.

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