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4.10. Changing side mark to front mark

Printing using so called perfector (the device that moves the printed sheet in the offset machine by the grip - that is, using the front mark) is possible due to the possibility of turning the other side of the sheet (after imposition) by 180 °. However, this method has a disadvantage - the additional elements on the sheet are also rotated, including the densitometer control strip.

From version we have added a switch that allows you to change the mark (from side to front) in full sheets. The change of the mark is possible for the following bindings:

  • Perfect binding • sheet next to sheet;
  • Perfect binding • sheet on sheet (in stack);
  • Saddle stitching • sheet into sheet;
  • Saddle stitching • sheet on sheet (in stack);
  • Sewn binding.

The change of the mark applies only to whole press sheets – half press sheets are printed using the side mark. Half press sheets printed using the front mark appear only in several folding schemes for work with horizontal page orientation. Printing half press sheets with the use of a perfector (i.e. with a front mark) is economically unjustified, and besides - technically impossible in some cases.

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