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4.7. The default order of half press sheets

The default order of half press sheets and the last whole press sheet is fixed for:

  • Book block (Perfect binding • sheet next to sheet),
  • Booklet (Saddle stitching • sheet into sheet),
  • For a uncomplete gathering (consisting of fewer number of whole press sheets or of both whole and half press sheets or only of half press sheets) in saddle-stitched binding (Sewn binding)

for each number of pages on the sheet independently..

Example: Perfect binding • sheet next to sheet and 16 pages on the sheet, the default order of half press sheets is (if all of them occur, e.g. for a 46 pages work):

  • half press sheet 2x8
  • half press sheet 4x4
  • half press sheet 8x2
  • as the last whole press sheet 1x16

If you want to change the order of the 2x8 sheet with 8x2: in the dialog box that appears, the order of the sheets is determined by dragging the selected sheet to the right place.

Notice: in the case of a sewn-glued binding, the order of the sheets in the uncomplete gathering is determined. The uncomplete gathering is by default the penultimate premium in the block. It is possible to determine the location of an uncomplete gathering in the block (and change their quantity) using the command Location of the uncomplete gathering.

Unlimited regulation of the half press sheets order both glued and saddle-stitched

After spreading the pages on sheets (with the default order of sheets), it is possible to freely adjust the position of half press sheets and a special sheet (for 12 pages per sheet) for the currently performed imposition. A dialog box Determining the position of half press sheets in a block is used for this purpose, available after choosing Change the position of half press sheet... (if those exist) in Sheets Table.

Example: for Perfect binding • sheet next to sheet and 16 pages on the sheet, there will be two whole press sheet and three half press sheets. The default order of sheets is:

  • whole press sheet 1x16
  • half press sheet 2x8
  • half press sheet 4x4
  • half press sheet 8x2
  • as the last whole press sheet 1x16.

You can change the position of any half press sheet in the block by dragging it to a new location (e.g. 8x2 sheets first, then two full sheets and finally: 2x8 sheets and 4x4 sheets) in the window Determining the position of half press sheets in a block:

Notice! Each recalculation of the page layout (e.g. any change in the number of pages per sheet, folding method, type of binding or number of sheets in the gathering), as well as replacing files in the Imposition Pages Table - will restore the default position of the half press sheets.

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