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1.5. Options and settings
- Change the size of the use after loading the first PDF - if YES, after loading the first page of the first PDF-file, the program will change the size of the use to equal readable TrimBox size.
- Add a phrase with additional information to the imposition file name - if YES, then the phrase with additional information will be added to the username given by the user (more: The names of result files).
- Add the phrase --IMPOZYCJONER to the file name with the imposition - if YES, then the phrase will be added to the username - IMPOZYCJONER (more: The names of result files).
- Save the current project when generating imposition - if YES, then generating imposition sheets will save the file with the currently generated project on the disk.
- Hide the button START IMPOSITION - if YES, to generate imposition sheets you need to press START THE IMPOSITION button visible after expanding the side panel DIGITAL PRINT/OFFSET PRINT. The other START THE IMPOSITION buttons below Imposition Pages Table will be hidden.
- Fill sheet (Ctrl + F): rows - if YES, this filling the whole sheet with the selected page will be with lines (horizontal). If NO - columns (vertical). It matters when filling the sheet for cutting plotters.
- When impositioning using pre-print - place pre-print in the resulting PDF file - if YES, then the visible pre-print (if imposition uses it) will be placed in the resulting PDF-file.
- YES - densitometric strips above the registers and net markers. NO - densitometric strips under registration marks and net markers.
- YES - enable linearization of saved PDF files (required by some RIP models).
OTHERS – the tab gives the definition of the grip (as the distance from the lower edge of the plate to the beginning of the first drawn element or as the distance from the bottom edge of the plate to the first edge of the net size) and an additional gap allows folding the 12 page sheet into "C" (for selected folding schemes).
In this tab you may also define the order of half press sheets in a book’s or notebook’s gathering/block or in uncompleted gathering. You may also give the order of the last whole sheet.
Uncompleted gathering is the last gathering in the block. Its order can be defined using a dialog box.
CREATOR – in this tab you may define, if during the work in Spreadsheet Creator mode:
- loaded PDF-files should have been added “at once” markers (in the form of lines on bleeds) of the net size of the page being loaded;
- the program should inform about the difference between the loaded page size and the size of the page in which it is placed.
In this tab you can also open a dialog box allowing you to set your own sizes of divided sheets.
In the PDF-tab you may define:
- content of the so-called PDF-properties displayed in the default PDF- browser (usually File> Properties). If the fields are not filled in, they are supplemented with the imposition PDF-name.
- the default format for the resulting PDF-files generated by the program.
Notice! The program does not convert input PDF-files to the selected, final version. The options determine the version of the output files generated by the program, but the characteristics of files in versions higher than the selected one (e.g. transparency) - are preserved.
PAPERS and PLATES tabs determine paper’s sizes and sizes and other parameters of offset plate’s. You can add additional definitions and edit existing ones.
In the PAPERS-tab, the OP-column indicates the paper used in offset printing, DP-tab – the paper used in digital printing.
SM (Sidemark Marker) tab determine the position of the sidemark marker. On the odd-numbered page, the marker can be drawn at any height of the print area or (default) at 1/3 of the height of the print area.
The marker can be drawn on the left and right edge of the sheet (L + R), only on the left or only on the right, or it may not be drawn (Do not draw), but there is a place to put it.
The position of the marker on the odd page is set similarly to the even page, except that instead of the "1/3 PRINT FIELD" option, the "SYMMERTICALLY TO THE ODD" option is available (default: symmetrically in the vertical direction, e.g. when drawing a marker on the odd page = 1/3 of the print area, on the even pair the mark will be drawn at the height of 2/3 of the print area).
After choosing the SET FOR [mm] option and clicking with right mouse button on the height-adjusting arrows on which the marker will be drawn - a slider is available to change the value faster.
The program user can determine the shape of the marker – it can use a graphic saved in PDF format. The size of the file should not exceed several-dozen kilobytes.
PDF with a sidemark is saved in the MyImpozycjoner/PDFs folder as SM.pdf. Its presence is obligatory. The user can also define four other PDF-files:
- SM1L.pdf – left edge odd page’s marker;
- SM1R.pdf – right edge odd page’s marker (e.g. mirrored horizontal);
- SM2L.pdf – left edge even page’s marker;
- SM2R.pdf – right edge even page’s marker.
All four files (SM1L.pdf, SM1R.pdf, SM2L.pdf, SM2R.pdf) they must have the same size as the file SM.pdf. Otherwise, they will still be placed on the sheet - scaled to the size of SM.pdf file.
The SUMMARY ITEMS tab defines the parameters of markings applied for use with the GENERATE SHEETS WITH DESIGNATION OF USES: YES in the Additional options panel. It is possible to mark the gross, net and internal margins. Additionally, you can use: code (Code128) with the name of the file, a frame with the file name and the row number of the Imposition Pages Tabel, if the use is busy.
The last three elements can be moved vertically by the selected value in mm.