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5.5. Sheet’s description
Dialog box Parameters of the imposition description lets you specify what elements and in what color will be used to create the sheet's metric.
The sheet's metrics is divided into five parts:
- verbal designations of primary colors;
- verbal designation of spot colors;
- the name of the PDF-file with the image of the sheet;
- sheet and page designation;
and additional information:
All outputted texts are automatically changed into CAPITALS. The sign "_" is replaced by "-". This allows you to increase the available fonts size by removing small letters from the texts with any extention.
The sheet description can be placed:
- along imposition side edges;
- along imposition top edge (if it is possible);
- on the middle vertical gutter (if it is possible);
- on the middle horizontal gutter (if it is possible).
In the case of placing the description along the side edges, an area is reserved for placing the description on the left and right of the imposition image, with the width:
- 2 mm by the description font 5 and 7 pt;
- 3 mm by the description font 10 pt;
- 4 mm by the description font 12 pt;
- 5 mm by the description font 14 pt.
In the case of placing a description on the top edge - the description will appear only if any other element (net size mark, gross size mark, and registration mark) drawn on the top net edge will have a size of min. 2 mm.
The description on the horizontal middle gutter will appear when drawing the section will be enabled, it will be possible (even number of columns of the uses table) and the size of the section will be min. 2 mm.
The description on the middle vertical gutter will appear when drawing gutter will be enabled, it will be possible (even number of rows in the uses table) and the size of the section will be min. 2 mm.
Only when placing the description along the side edges, the user can adjust the description's degree of fonts. In other cases: if the area in which the description is to appear will not be wide enough (3 mm for 10 pt, 4 mm for 12 pt, 5 mm for 14 pt) - the fonts will be reduced to 7 pt, regardless of the selected one.
If the description cannot be added (e.g. selected description location on the vertical gutter with an odd number of columns in the uses table), the program will display a warning before generating the imposition sheets.