The imposition of books and magazines in the Impozycjoner program consists of:
[1] determining the parameters of the use (manually or based on the loaded PDF-file);
[2] determining the number of pages on the sheet;
[3] choosing the right type of binding;
[4] choosing the right way to put whole press sheets to the other side (of the mark);
[5] selecting the correct folding scheme.
[1] : the easiest way to determine the right size of the use is to turn to the program. With the selected option Change the size of the use after loading the first pdf in Option and Settings, the program will change the default dimensions visible after starting the program to the size of the TrimBox area of the first page of the first loaded PDF.
[2] : the number of pages per sheet is determined by selecting the appropriate key. The number on it determines the number of pages on both sides of the sheet. The size of the resulting imposition file results from the number of pages on the sheet page and their size - 8 pages per sheet (4 on each of its pages), the A5 format is to be printed on a sheet similar to A2, 8 pages A4 - on sheet A1.
Layout algorithms on spreadsheets are different for pages with horizontal and vertical orientation. The exception is the 12 page layout on the sheet, which is intended for mounting square works. In two folding schemes for 12 pages on the sheet (L3U: L2U: B2U and R3U: R2U: T2U) due to the way of folding, an additional adjustable gap is added between the respective columns allowing folding the sheet in "C".
[3] : choice of binding type/sheet type/sheet folding method - is decisive for the spreading algorithm on sheets. Algorithms for digital printing allow you to reduce the number of activities after printing the necessary blocks to complete the book (imposition in stack).
[4] : the default mark is the side mark. This element determines how to put to the other side of the full sheet. Half press sheets are translated like whole press sheets - if it is possible.
Pkt. [5] : the folding scheme determines how the sheet is folded after printing. For non-cut sheets, it means cutting and folding sequence.
Each of the points affects the algorithm that spreads pages on sheets.
After determining the appearance of markers drawn on the sheet, you only need to press the key START THE IMPOSITION. In contrast to the leaflet imposition work mode, in the book imposition mode, the program automatically calculates the number of sheets needed and fills the grid of pages with the pages collected in the Imposition Pages Table.
The other elements of the interface:
[6] Schematic page layout with selected imposition parameters. The same (e.g. light yellow) color is marked with pages lying on the same page (e.g. 1 out of 2). The same color, but in different keys (e.g. light and dark-blue) are marked with pages lying on the same "leaf" or equal distance from the first and last page: folded sheet (for glued binding and folded sheets), insets (for sew-glued binding) and insert (for saddle stitching). The number before the colon is the line number of the row in the Imposition Pages Table, the value after the colon - the angle of the page rotation
Before loading the PDF-file into the Imposition Pages Tabel, the preview shows the imposition of a virtual file with the number of pages equal to the number of pages per sheet (one whole press sheet).
[7] Table containing the next pages of the imposition sheets.
Column marks:
C – set, i.e. number of sets of plates or number of pages in PDF.
Print changing the state of the switch in this row to off means to turn off the selected page from the generated imposition.
Gathering - for Sewn binding.
Sheet, Page: this marks the next pages of the next sheets.
U1 do U8: uses’ numbers on the page starting from the top left. Selecting a row in this table changes the preview of the page. The half press sheets are marked with gray color. Half press sheets have an added letter H (in brackets), an uncomplete gathering - the letter U. The page in half press sheets can be marked as 1/2 (as common content for even and odd pages).
Example 1: imposition of saddle stitch file 40 page A5 – offset printing.
Example 2: imposition of saddle stitch file 32 page A4 – digital printing.