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2.4. The location of the page in the field of use

If a page placed in the field of use (or rather its TrimBox) has dimensions equal to the size of the use, the way it is positioned - that is, its corners aligned with the corners of the use is irrelevant. Such a page fills in the field of the use completely.

If the page placed in the field of use (or rather its TrimBox) has dimensions larger than the size of the use, the way it is located is also irrelevant. The page size larger than the corresponding use’s size is always centered relative to the use. Such a page also fills in the field of the use completely.

If the page placed in the field of use has dimensions smaller than the size of the use, then the default way of placing it can be changed. The change in the way of aligning the corners of the use and the page placed in it is possible after choosing one of the drop-down menu options available under the right mouse button.

The example below shows how the A5 page will be placed in the A4 use area depending on how the corners are aligned.

Default page alignment

If the page is placed on an odd column - it is aligned to the left side of the use, if on an even column - to the right side of the use.

If the page is placed in the odd row - it is aligned to the upper edge of the use, if it is in the even row - to the lower edge of the use.

The combination of these two principles results in the default leveling of the uses as in the figure below.

For two-sided prints - for the other side of the sheet the alignment of the uses is symmetrical.

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